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Kulturális évad az EKF program keretében

Köszönjük az alkotóknak, zenészeknek, helyieknek és vendégeinknek, hogy jelen voltak és segítették az egyszer volt nagyvázsonyi vízimalom megújulását. Köszönjük a Veszprém-Balaton Európa Kulturális Fővárosa támogatását a 2023-as programjaink megvalósításához.

Cultural season at the mill in 2023

Things that are (no longer) ...

In Nagyvázsony, on the banks of a stream on the National Blue Trail, there is an abandoned mill that is no longer a mill, the ditch no longer flows and the mill wheel no longer turns, because unfortunately it is no longer there.

In 2023, as part of the European Capital of Culture 2023, we are attempting to be an exciting venue to reflect on and make a reality of what might seem like what it is, but is actually not.

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An exciting joint venture

The former Rattle Mill was bought by two friends in 2020 with the aim of preventing it from falling victim to the ravages of time. In addition to the owners, who are architects and economists, many others have been involved in the process of saving the mill. 

In 2022, a successful VEB 2023 tender accelerated the renovation work. In the same year, important conservation and renovation works were carried out on the building with self-financing.


In 2023, a permanent local history exhibition, a permanent art installation to be opened in May, open weekends, professional workshops and 1 + 4 themed Malompiknik programme weekends will be held.

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