The modern history of the former mill
"Csörgő" watermill
Stop - Rest - Contemplate
The "Csörgő" water mill in Vázsony is located on the route of the National Blue Route, at a crossroads: at the junction of the castle of Nagyvázsony, the Pauline monastery, Veszprém and the roads leading to Kab Hill. The exact date of its construction is unknown, but its technology suggests that it was built at the same time as the Kinizsi Castle in the 15th century.
In 2020, the opportunity arose to purchase the historic but dilapidated building, which is being renovated with the active involvement of a group of friends, in our spare time and with our own resources.
The house and the front garden
The stone house is basically divided into 2 parts, the miller's house and the miller's flat, with a floor area of about 100 sqm. In front of the building, located in a sharp bend in the Bécsi köz, there is a large communal table which can be used by all passers-by.
The two huge beams marking the boundary of the garden were part of the former mill structure, and now briefly tell the history of the mill.
Unfortunately, the mill wheel has been out of sight for several decades and its original reconstruction is not yet possible, so a memorial sign will commemorate the former waterway and water wheel from May.
The courtyard
Around the mill building there is a small courtyard where we plan to re-grow cabbage in raised beds in the spring, as the building and its courtyard were the cabbage garden of the Pauline monastery according to earlier maps.
The milling area
The permanent exhibition of local history is located on the upper floor of the mill house. The lower space houses the temporary exhibitions. Unfortunately, the mill structure has already been removed from the building, so its reconstruction is not planned for the coming years.
The miller's residence
On the left side of the house there are 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, and a simple kitchen. In the long term, we would like to see an authentic pilgrim's residence created in this space, but in the meantime it will be used as accommodation for the team and for the creators of the residence's programmes this year.
At the back end of the courtyard, right next to the milling pits, we have created a terrace that serves as a stage for the musical concerts planned for summer events.