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Kobrizsa Ádám

Progress report on the 2021 works

Unfortunately, the start of 2021 continued with similar closures as the previous spring. Nevertheless, an attempt to explore and measure the mill branch was made in February. You can read more about this on the blog.

Spring activities started with a good bit of fence improvement work (boarding up), followed by the preparation of the future bathroom floor in the miller's house and the removal of the rotten top boarding in the corridor.

In early summer, a clean-up of the rooms and further tidying up followed, so that guests arriving for the first community event on the July Full Moon weekend could enjoy a minimum of comfort. Béla surprised the company with a DIY double bed. The weekend get-together, spruced up with contemporary art, also included a successful garden clean-up and landscaping.

In the autumn, we upped the ante (mechanised work) and hired a good-sized JCB (with driver, of course) to carry out one of our most important long-term improvements - a proper bathroom and toilet. This helped us to get the sump in the garden and complete the larger-scale leveling work within a day.

And while we were on the subject, in November we clarified the plans for 2022, which should remain secret for the time being.


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